
Hi there!

First of all I must clarify that I'm neither a programmer nor an artist, so even if they seem like stupid problems I'm having a hard time solving them. 

I decided to use this jam to learn how to use Dialogic 2 for Godot, since until now I have always used Articy Draft and Unreal for all my narrative or design work. I guess it was a bad idea...?? Not sure tho. 

I found Dialogic2 a very comfortable tool for a short story without too much branching, but this version has an overlap problem in the character sprites.

In case someone could know how to solve the issue (although in the dialogic2 forum it has already been reported without answer) the problem is the one described below:

The character event reacts to the join function, but not to the leave function. It doesn't do either the join or leave animation, so I think the problem must be there. I suppose that maybe I could solve it if I could get to the animation code, if that is the problem of course... but for now it seems a problem without solution.

I'll be moving the project to an older version of Godot in case it works better. Wish me luck!


noSchoolTodayHTML.zip Play in browser
10 days ago

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